The Carlyle Letters Online
Coordinating Editor
Brent E. Kinser, Western Carolina University: Bio
The Collected Letters of
Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle
Senior Editors
Ian M. Campbell, University of Edinburgh: Bio
David R. Sorensen, Saint Joseph’s University: Bio
Katherine Inglis, University of Edinburgh: Bio
Brent E. Kinser, Western Carolina University: Bio
Jane Roberts, University of Edinburgh: Bio
Liz Sutherland, University of Edinburgh
Managing Editor
Stacy Lavin, Duke University Press
Senior Editors
Aileen Christianson, University of Edinburgh
Kenneth J. Fielding, University of Edinburgh
Clyde de L. Ryals, Duke University
Charles Richard Sanders, Duke University
Sheila McIntosh, University of Edinburgh
Hilary J. Smith, Duke University
Jonathan Wild, University of Edinburgh
Associate Editor
John Clubbe, University of Kentucky
Assistant Editors
Bill Bell, University of Edinburgh
Janetta Taylor, University of Edinburgh
Managing Editor
David Southern, Duke University Press