Supporters of the Carlyle Letters Project

NEH, Delmas, and AHRC

Both the print and the electronic editions of the Carlyle Letters Project would not be possible without the generous support of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Special thanks are also due to the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for its gracious contributions, which have made the April 2013 update of the CLO possible and have enabled the editors and the press to reach matching funds goals set by the NEH during five previous granting periods (2003–6, 2006–9, 2009–12, 2012–15, and 2015–18). A large debt of gratitude is also owed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the United Kingdom for its support of the Edinburgh editorial operation.

Saint Joseph’s University

The editors also wish to express their grateful appreciation to Saint Joseph’s University, in particular to Rev. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., President, and Dr. Brice Wachterhauser, Provost, for their generous contributions towards NEH matching funds requirements, and for their support of the work done by senior editor David R. Sorensen.

University of South Carolina

Sincere thanks are due to Thomas F. McNally, Dean of Libraries, and to David Lee Miller, director of the USC-Center for Digital Humanities, for their support of the CLO.

The Editors and the Librarians

Without the monumental efforts of the past and present editors of the Collected Letters, this electronic project would, of course, never have been conceived. In particular, the importance of Stephen A. Cohn and David R. Sorensen, the principal investigators for the NEH grants that continue to play an essential role in the funding of the project, cannot be overestimated. In addition, all of the editors involved with the Carlyle Letters Project have benefited from the unfailing kindness, assistance, and enthusiasm of a vast host of librarians, also without whom this project, both in print and in electronic form, would have been impossible. All of them are extended eternal thanks and gratitude.

Of the many remarkable aspects of this project, none is more remarkable than the intimate, integrated working relationship that develops among the various entities charged with achieving the launch of both versions of the CLO. The individuals listed below have been critical to the success of the project, with particular thanks to Sylvia K. Miller, an invaluable team member who since 2018 has served as Duke University Press Technological Liaison and Advisor.

At the University of South Carolina Center for Digital Humanities:
Colin Wilder, Co-Director; Rachel Mann, Digital Humanities Graduate
Fellow; Travis Mullen, Senior Programmer; Eric Gonzalez, Programmer;
Julia Strout, Programmer; George Clayton, Web Developer; and Collin
Haines, Web Developer.

At Duke University Press: Rebekah Kati, Digital Publishing Technologist;
Mike Brondoli, Journals Production Manager; Kelly Andrus, Lead Designer;
Sue Hall, Art Director; David Southern, Managing Editor.

The teams assembled during the creation of the first version of
CLO continue to deserve both recognition and profound thanks
for their efforts in bringing the CLO to life.

At Duke University Press: Donna Blagdan, Michael Brondoli, Mandy
Dailey-Berman, Jocelyn Dawson, Steve Grathwohl, Leslie Grignolo, Sue
Hall, Debra Kaufman, Cason Lynley, Jeff Mahorney, Chris Mazzara,
Carolyn Siefken, and David Southern, whose service to the Carlyle Letters
Project as managing editor until his death in 2021 was nonpareil. He is greatly missed.

At HighWire Press: Anh Bui, Rachel Cordray, Jesse Gathering, Julie
Noblitt, Nick Nunes, Diana Oestreich, Greg Schwartz, Ann Van, Alan
Wen, and Pam Wilson.

At MethodFuel: Susanne Crihfield, Ian Joyce, and Michael Teague.

As always, the coordinating editor remains exceptionally grateful to
all of the colleagues, friends, and students who have assisted him with
various tasks at various times over the last several years, especially to
Mary Adams, Rachel Adams, Maggie Ashley, Mary Ann Gobble, and Lindsey
Peterson, but also to Lauren Dorminey, Rod Franco, Sarah M. Hanson, Kirsten Huscusson, Philip Kowalski, Robert Martinez, Travis Mullen, Terrence Muzzell, Elizabeth Nissly, Ian Oakes, Christian Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Christine Shia,
Taylor Sledge, Marie Stephens, Jennifer Veilleux, Heather Williams,
Bobby Willover, Sarah Wolfe, and Kelsey Woodburn.

Paolo Mangiafico of Perkins Library at Duke University will always
deserve a special chapter in the history of the CLO for his
vital assistance in the crucial early stages of development.

Further Thanks

For more comprehensive recognition of the multitude of people who
have contributed to the Collected Letters and to the CLO, please see
the sections entitled “Acknowledgments” available in the CLO through
the table of contents pages of the volumes.
